Integrating Energy Work, Coaching, and Bodywork
– 80 minutes
These sacred transformational sessions are a powerful blend of massage and energy work that accesses your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to generate profound shifts on many levels for lasting change. Each session is unique, as I tune into your needs and can feel in your body where stuck energy resides. We address physical ailments, limiting beliefs, negative feelings, and spiritual blocks carried forward from the past.
Combining my gifts and training as both a massage therapist and an energy coach, I work in your energy field, on your body, and with your mind and heart to clear issues on every level of your being. As a coach, I also ensure you leave each session with the tools and next steps to help you maintain good energy levels, mental clarity, and physical and emotional strength on your own.
Clients have walked in assuming only a physical ailment needed to be addressed and walked out with clarity about patterns of behavior and past events that enabled their bodies to release the stuck energy. They walked out feeling light and free and on their way to vibrant physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Frequently Asked Questions About Energy Massage:
Do I disrobe and experience a full physical massage like I would in a traditional massage? It is not necessary to disrobe unless a physical ailment is present and massage is recommended. For some, though, massage helps clear the stuck energy lodged in the tissues.
Will I be on the massage table for the entire session? No, being on the table follows the initial set up part of the session. The session begins with a conversation to expose the areas causing problems, then moves into building tools to support new possibilities. Once we have a clear idea of what the blocks are, we locate where they're being held in the body or energy field, and begin clearing them.
Do you recommend a one-time experience or do clients typically schedule more sessions? In the initial session, I give a person everything they need to generate healing and create a clearing. However, many people find that they need a little support to keep their energy field clear, especially if additional issues arise. Additional sessions can be helpful for ongoing support.
I don’t like a lot of talking when I get a massage. I just like to relax. Is this for me? Although we can accomplish clearing the stuck energy in the physical body and energy field, a complete healing requires engaging the mental and emotional aspects, too. We do not need to have full conversations during the physical massage and spiritual healing, but a few exchange of words may be necessary. If you're looking for a relaxing quiet massage, this is not it. However, you will experience a state of deep relaxation, lightness, new possibilities, and a sense of freedom when we are complete. Approximately half of the session is clearing energy through conversation and the other half is done in a more quiet spiritual healing massage.
Schedule your transformational Energy Massage session today!